#Summer squash skin
But, there are several different types of zucchini, such as the golden zucchini with yellow skin that bears a close resemblance to yellow squash. Zucchini’s sought-after dark skin and white fleshy insides set it apart from other summer squashes. This delicious squash is also known as marrow or courgette. But the zucchini we know today was first cultivated in Italy and brought to the Americas in the early 1900s. Like most squashes, zucchini has its roots in Mesoamerica. A big thing to remember is while they form part of the summer squash family, not all summer squashes are zucchini. Like zucchini, yellow squash is commonly called summer squash, adding to the entire squash confusion.Īs zucchinis belong to the same family, they are harvested when they’re immature and their skin is still soft. Popular summer squashes include pattypans and yellow squash. They also have softer, edible outer skins. Summer squashes are typically harvested during the warmer months, while the fruits are still immature. These squashes also have bushy growth, setting them apart from winter squashes like pumpkin, which are known for their vining nature. The main differences between the two are their harvest times and growing nature. This family splits into two sections – winter squashes and summer squashes. Squashes are a group of edible plants that are part of the gourd family. Understanding Summer Squashes Summer squash is harvested during the summer months when it is not quite ripe yet.