However, if you experience (like me) for some reason strong accelerations when you move suddenly your mouse, for instance when you want to rocket jump, and or when you want to reach an enemy at the corner of your screen, then I suggest you to set x equal to a negative value. It is obviously your mouse sensitivity, replace x by what you want. I highly recommend to use 1, but some people prefer -1, so pick the one you prefer. 1 corresponds to di/raw mouse, while -1 is win32 mouse. \in_mouse x where x may be equal to either 1 or -1. However, I struggled a lot against Quake 3 to find a satisfying configuration. The following set of maps are updated versions of classic Quake III Arena maps, with updated architecture and the expansion's new content (including weapons and powerups).Having a good mouse configuration is essential in any fps game. MPTERRA3 - Final Strike (not used in single-player mode).MPTERRA2 - Distant Screams (not used in single-player mode).

The following set of maps feature vast outdoor terrain and are designed for large teams:

Pi (can only be used in Free-for-All and Tournament modes).Fritzkrieg (can only be used in Free-for-All and Tournament modes).In addition to the characters from Quake III Arena (all of which can only be played in Free-for-All and Tournament modes), Team Arena includes four new "base" characters: Players can remove their team's skulls by running over them. Harvester - Teams fight for control of enemy team-colored skulls that are dropped at the center of the arena on enemy player deaths, scoring points for each skull held when running over the enemy flag pedestal.Teams score points by eliminating the enemy skull. Overload - Each team pedestal is replaced by a large skull, which can be shot at by enemies and regenerates slowly.One Flag CTF - Teams fight for control of a neutral flag at the center of the arena, scoring points for planting that flag at the enemy flag pedestal.In addition to the standard Free-for-All, Team Deathmatch, Tournament, and Capture the Flag modes from the original game, Team Arena has three new team-based objective game modes (all of which use CTF maps as a base):