
Play time pilot
Play time pilot

play time pilot

It's located underneath the 'Mount Follows Road' and above the 'Show Headpiece' option. Horizon Forbidden West players can find the Co-pilot toggle in the General and Accessibility tab in the main menu. But one of the accessibility features that players might have questions about is the addition of the Co-pilot mode in Horizon Forbidden West. There are five levels of difficulty, ranging from Story to Very Hard there's an option to make it clear what parts of a wall/cliff Aloy can or can't climb on there are gyro aiming options, and players can even fully remap the controls for the DualShock 4 or the PS5's Dualsense controller. In that case, they'll immediately notice that there's a lot that can be adjusted for all types of gamers. The font looks similar to the Dora the Explorer logo.Suppose Horizon Forbidden West players head into the setting and accessibility options in the menus.The new logo of the game heavily resembles the show's logo itself.The game itself is a spoof of the hit children's show Dora the Explorer.This section is a stub, you can help by expanding it. She writes to Riley about tapes in the attic and warns them that there's no going back after watching them.


Executive assistants are excellent communicators and organizers who have a full grasp of time management. The player plays as Riley Park, whose aunt, Katherine Park, bequeaths her house to them due to her upcoming demise. Think of executive assistants as personal aids for individuals. After opening the door, Amanda will begin to violently contort her body before the player is attacked by her monster form, implying she killed or abducted the viewers. Next to what appears to be a piece of Wooly's body, she tells the player that it's time to go home, pointing to a house that is revealed to be the player's house and demanding that they let her in. The third episode opens with Amanda standing in a darkened, realistic setting, in contrast with the cartoonish background of the previous episodes. The video cuts to a live action video of a previous viewer taking the tapes into some woods off of a highway and preparing to burn them, but an unseen force, likely Amanda, forces him to put the lighter away and keep the tapes. When he proceeds to openly defy her and tells the viewer to destroy the tapes, Amanda begins levitating and presumbly mauls him off-screen. Amanda is seen reprimanding Wooly for not participating in the activity. The lost tape shows Amanda and Wooly searching for lost treasure in the woods. Presumably as punishment for trying to warn the player, Amanda attacks him off-screen just as the episode ends.

play time pilot

When the player responds "meat" (she will force them to if they don't), Amanda smiles evilly, saying, "That's right." before staring threateningly at Wooly while the butcher slowly chops a chunk of meat. Once in the shop, Amanda tells the player to tell the butcher what they need. She tells the player that they need to go to the butcher shop to get meat for grandma, despite Wooly claiming that Grandma is a vegetarian. The second episode starts with Wooly frantically trying to warn the viewers about something, but Amanda appears and interrupts him, resuming the episode as normal. Amanda disregards Wooly's concerns about his allergy to apples, saying he should try new things. The first episode starts with Amanda and Wooly going to the store to get apples that they need to make apple pie. The player finds a set of dusty VHS tapes of Amanda's show in their house while cleaning and decides to watch them for nostalgic purposes, despite not remembering ever seeing the show on TV.


Join Amanda and her pal Wooly on a series of adventures as they explore and learn about our wonderful world! With several NEW play-along, laugh-along, learn-along episodes, there's always fun to be had! Just make sure to do everything Amanda says, or she will get angry.

Play time pilot